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Sustainable Growth Blog

Check in with us here on the Sustainable Growth Blog for tips and advice to help get the most out of your garden space as well as the latest news about Storm Organic Plant Nutrition and Seafeed.

October Garden Recap

October Garden Recap

October should have brought the end of the vegetable garden with the first hard frost, but it didn’t! Being so close to the shore, the water buffered overnight temperatures and we only had a very light frost that nipped a few tomato and nasturtium leaves. Now at the end of October, there is still no frost in sight!

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The Truth About Soil Health And How to Improve it

The Truth About Soil Health And How to Improve it

Soil is not dirt. This distinction is often overlooked by non-gardeners but it makes all the difference. Dirt has the same basic building blocks (silt, sand, and clay) as soil but is missing the living component. Dirt is essentially dead. This is why dirt is seen as a nuisance that we need to get rid of versus soil that is cared for by gardeners. The living element of soil is composed of microorganisms (like bacteria, viruses, fungi) and insects. They are what allows soil to evolve and change, giving it structure to clump when wet and making it a living ecosystem. Soil is essentially a world of its own.

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How To Design The Best Pollinator Garden

How To Design The Best Pollinator Garden

Pollinator gardens have been increasing in popularity, and for good reason! Insects play many roles in maintaining our environment like pollinating many of our food crops, dispersing seeds and returning nutrients to the soil by decomposing plant debris. Keeping insect populations strong is essential to maintaining our diverse ecosystems. So, what can you do to help? Pollinator gardens, no matter how small, are an excellent way to give your local insects a helping hand.

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The Best Tips for a Successful Small Vegetable Garden

The Best Tips for a Successful Small Vegetable Garden

It’s no secret that home-grown vegetables are tastier and healthier than what you can find in stores, but when all you have is a tiny little garden or balcony, is it worth all the effort? Absolutely! Even a sprinkle of fresh basil on a dish can make a difference. When space is limited, every inch matters, and we have a few tips that can help you make the most of your small garden plot.

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Hi! I’m Marie-Eve, founder and CEO of Storm. I am an Environmental Biologist, B. Sc., who (clearly) enjoys gardening and learning about our environment through scientific journals. I love to talk all things plants, soil, ecosystems, etc., and hope to inspire people to get their hands dirty with a “less is more” approach to gardening.