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The Amazing World of Garden Soil: The Best Guide for Gardeners

The Amazing World of Garden Soil: The Best Guide for Gardeners

Soil is a crucial resource for food production, providing the necessary support, nutrients, and environment for growing and harvesting food. A single spoonful contains more life than humans on earth! It is the very foundation of any garden and just like for houses, with weak foundation, everything crumbles.

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The Truth About Soil Health And How to Improve it

The Truth About Soil Health And How to Improve it

Soil is not dirt. This distinction is often overlooked by non-gardeners but it makes all the difference. Dirt has the same basic building blocks (silt, sand, and clay) as soil but is missing the living component. Dirt is essentially dead. This is why dirt is seen as a nuisance that we need to get rid of versus soil that is cared for by gardeners. The living element of soil is composed of microorganisms (like bacteria, viruses, fungi) and insects. They are what allows soil to evolve and change, giving it structure to clump when wet and making it a living ecosystem. Soil is essentially a world of its own.

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